God our Savior and Christ Jesus our hope. Timothy 1:1

Our Savior’s is a Christian, Biblical and Faith-based Church.  We join together to be strengthened by the teachings of the Bible and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.  We proclaim forgiveness and salvation for all people through the perfect life and death of Jesus Christ.  The blessings of Christ are received through faith in Him as Savior.

As a member congregation of the ELS (Evangelical Lutheran Synod) and in doctrinal and communion fellowship with the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod), we confess the following points of Scriptural doctrine:

  • We believe that the only true God is the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is One in three Persons.
  • We believe that God has revealed Himself to people not only in creation, and through our conscience, but especially through the Bible. The Scriptures alone offer and deliver to us the way of salvation.
  • We believe that both the Old and New Testaments, in their original form, were given by inspiration of God. The Holy Scriptures are without error. The Word of God is truth.
  • We believe that God created the world and all that is in it in six days.
  • We believe that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, but lost that righteousness in the Fall-not only for themselves, but for all mankind.
  •  We believe that, in order to rescue fallen mankind, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world, clothed in human flesh, true God and true man in one Person. By the righteousness of Jesus and by His suffering and death and resurrection, the entire world has been redeemed.
  • We believe that the entire world was declared to be righteous in Christ when he rose from the dead. It is by faith alone that this righteousness of Christ becomes the personal possession of the sinner.
  •  We believe that God has established certain means of grace by which he announces and gives the forgiveness of sins, and the sure hope of everlasting life. These means are the Gospel, as found in the Word of God, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper: These means of grace are God Himself in actions saving lost souls.
  •  We believe that man’s conversion to faith in Christ is solely and alone the work of God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that good works are necessary fruits of faith in the life of the Christian, but do not earn eternal life for the sinner.
  •  We believe that there is one, holy, Christian Church on earth that consists of all who believe in Christ as their Savior. The church may be found wherever the Word of God and the Sacraments are being used properly.
  • We believe that only qualified men are to be ordained into the office of the pastoral ministry. The work of this ministry is to preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments.
  • We believe that all believers are ministers before God, having certain gifts that are to be used for the church. However, we also believe that God has given certain principles to guide us, and at times restrict us, in the use of our gifts.
  • We believe that on the Last Day, Christ will return to judge all people. All who have died will be raised. Those who believe will be with Him in heaven, while those who have rejected Him will be in hell.

For a more detailed look at our beliefs, please explore,  “We Believe, Teach and Confess.”